If you are Twitter and Facebook user, you'll love TweetDeck. It's a software / application for viewing and posting status updates on Twitter and Facebook.. TweetDeck v0.25 integrates Facebook and Twitter. With this personal browser, you can type a tweet status on TweetDeck and then choose if you want it to update your Facebook or your Twitter... or both! TweetDeck simplifies the route in just a few clicks.
You can also chat with your friends directly via TweetDeck. There's a green lamps indicators which indicates who's online. If you find a friend online, just simply click his/ her name and you can start a conversation with him/ her. You can also record a short video (12 seconds) and post it to your Twitter and Facebook account directly from TweetDeck. Facebooking and twitting will be much easier with this software / application.
"TweetDeck v0.25 adalah software yg mengintegrasikan Facebook dan Twitter kamu. Kamu bisa dengan mudah mengupdate status dan mengupload video langsung ke Twitter & Facebook secara otomatis. Kamu juga bisa chatting dengan teman-temanmu yang online, langsung dari TweetDeck!"
Download it here.
(TweetDeck v0.25 is Adobe AIR-based desktop client, it's compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux).
This article based on information given by one of our friend, Yohanes Tanda.
He's experienced on using TweetDeck. We'll be happy if you try TweetDeck too, and then share your review with us here in Facebuku©.
Happy TweetDecking, everybody!
You can also chat with your friends directly via TweetDeck. There's a green lamps indicators which indicates who's online. If you find a friend online, just simply click his/ her name and you can start a conversation with him/ her. You can also record a short video (12 seconds) and post it to your Twitter and Facebook account directly from TweetDeck. Facebooking and twitting will be much easier with this software / application.
"TweetDeck v0.25 adalah software yg mengintegrasikan Facebook dan Twitter kamu. Kamu bisa dengan mudah mengupdate status dan mengupload video langsung ke Twitter & Facebook secara otomatis. Kamu juga bisa chatting dengan teman-temanmu yang online, langsung dari TweetDeck!"
Download it here.
(TweetDeck v0.25 is Adobe AIR-based desktop client, it's compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux).
This article based on information given by one of our friend, Yohanes Tanda.
He's experienced on using TweetDeck. We'll be happy if you try TweetDeck too, and then share your review with us here in Facebuku©.
Happy TweetDecking, everybody!
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